I wanted to brag about the pizza I just ate but I don't have a photo cos my phone is a bag of shit.
But you know what food looks like, right? Imagine that. Or yo could imagine my smug, smug face after eating pizza in my freezing office today.
When I got up this morning I realised I'd forgotten to sort out anything for lunch (usually it's left overs, but last night I had leftover soup so, no leftovers). For mere mortals this might have been a crisis, but as I am a demi-god genius-type I completely took it in my stride. There happened to be one of those part-bake baguettes lying around. That sucker got sliced down the middle, tomato puree spread across it with mixed herbs on top. What's more is the other day I bought some of those Tofutti mozerella slices for the first time in years. A couple of those on top, sliced up a pepper, chucked that stuff in the oven and went for a shower.
I totally cooked my lunch whilst bathing.
I also had an orange pepper and an apple for lunch cos fruit is good and tasty an' shit.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
stupid fucking phone,
vegan pizza,
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Butternut Squash Soup
It's true, if you want to make a perfect soup you will need to to be careful, you can use ingredients in such a nuanced, and in such combinations that will impress guests and make all the effort worthwhile. However, it;s super-mega easy to make a reasonable soup, and I am nothing if not reasonable, right?
I paid pretty much no attention whatsoever to what I was doing when making this soup, the ingredients are from my vague memory, but it was only last night so I think I'm pretty much right. It's not like I used much stuff.
Soup is pretty hard to fuck up. My one piece of soup advice would be don;t blend beans (unless you like vomit-texture in yr soup).
[MOTHERFUCK! My phone refused to tweet the photo then cold deleted it! I've written this now so yr getting the post. DEAL WITH IT]
2 small butternut squash
1 small onion
3 cloves garlic
Hella buttload black pepper
Some salt
You can use stock if you want, just leave out the salt.
Normally I would recommend frying off the onion/garlic but I didn't do that last night cos I am WELL MENTAL, me. Lazy, I meant lazy.
Heat some water in a pan, but in yr peeled & chopped butternut squash, let it simmer away.
Dice yr onion, slice yr garlic, they go in too.
Also yr herbs and seasoning.
Let it simmer away for a while, then turn the heat off.
Once it's cooled you can blend* it nice & smooth, add more water/stock if needed.
After that you will need a sofa and a spoon. If yr swanky use a bowl too, if not you can eat straight out of the pan. Some bread is probably more important than a bowl, though. If you have to pick one, go for bread.
*I use a blender similar to this one. I prefer the stick-type ones to the jug ones cos you can blend pretty much as little or as much as you need with the sticks, you can't blend a massive pan with a 1.5 litre jug, eh?
Didja look at the photo? I garnished that shit. Yeah, I did.
butternut squash,
fuuuuuuuuuuvhiuegb vdf,
just like you,
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Perpetually Underwhelming
Got rice?
Got any kind of veg whatsoever?
Got a pan?
Got oil?
You got a stiry fry, motherfucker.
Pretty much every time I cook rice I make at least one extra portion so I can keep it in the fridge and use it a day or two later. It's pretty good cos it means when yr hungry and lazy you have something available in the same amount of time it takes to make toast that isn't toast. Yeah!
And yes, I AM about to tell you how to make a stir fry as if you didn't already know. I'll let you in to a secret: Many, many years ago (but when I was old enough to really have known better) I genuinely did not know how to fry rice. I'm not sure, but I may even have attempted it without boiling the rice first. Seriously.
Nowdays we all have the internet hardwired into our medulla oblongatas, so we just need to have a vague awareness of what fried rice might be and the information could be explained a thousand different ways through fibre optics, but back then people were still dicking about with Napster and Yahoo Groups (And worse, people were still Asking Jeeves).
It's my opinion that a wok really will help with this kind of thing. Woks are good, buy a wok.
Heat yr wok, put some oil in, no one cares what kind.
Slice or dice an onion, chuck it in.
Slice or mince some garlic, chuck it.
Peel some root ginger, bash it with the flat side of a large-ish knife (always use larger rather than smaller knifes, you've got more control with a larger knife and you can still use it to cut small shit, okay?)
Slice a chilli, keep the seeds if you like things hot.
Stir everything up in yr pan. Heat is good.
What veg do you have? I had carrots, green peppers & tomatoes, so that's what went in. Cut it up however you damn well like. Things that also work well are mushrooms, water chestnuts, cucumber, beansprouts, leafy things, courgettes, broccoli, mange tout, peas.. you get the idea.
Throw yr chopped veg in, stir shit some more.
Throw some soya sauce about. It's fun.
There are all sorts of exciting things you can add to stir fries to make them more interesting, but if you had the kind of forethought to buy plum sauce or mangoes or red bean paste or black bean sauce you wouldn't be reading this, would you?
That picture up there also has fake chicken in it cos that's what's in the freezer. Tofu obviously works very well, peanuts, cashews, mock duck/beef... or just veg is cool.
I had some pre-cooked brown basmati so that shit got thrown in too. Just make sure everything is heated up properly and yr golden.
Throw it in a bowl, mayb introduce it to some sweet chilli sauce if you happen to find some in th eback of the cupboard.
Eat with yr face.
Now aren't you glad you had that rice in the fridge? Stir fried veg on toast is just weird, guy.
dull as fuck,
fake chicken,
fuck you,
mock chicken,
stir fry,
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Beetroot Burgers
So, I have been eyeing up this recipe on the Post Punk Kitchen for what seems like forever. Beetroot is something I am always kinda confused by, I just don't know what to do with it so it either gets thrown in a stew or grated into a salad and that's about it.
I wound up with some beetroot, I had some brown rice, so I was all "yeah, fuck'n DO IT!" But, being the feckless wonder that I am, I didn't print off the recipe, and didn't bother fannying about on my not-very-smart phone. I guess I went commando on that shit.
And guess what? I forgot half the ingredients and fucked it all up. So take this for what it is, a cautionary tale. The result was edible, but just LOOK at how awesome that recipe looks. Follow the actual recipe, knobhead.
It looked alright, though:
I'm not even going to tell you what I actually put in the burgers because a) you'll know exactly how badly I fucked up, and b) You might for some idiot reason attempt to recreate my recipe and that would be [i]bad[/i], okay? Just follow the original.
Even though it's winter I had my burgers with salad (as you can see). this is partly because I am super lazy and couldn't be bothered to oven* anything after I'd sort-of concentrated on screwing up this recipe, and partly because I had already inhaled an entire packet of Choccie Dodgers when I got in from work. Incidentally, don't buy Choccie Dodgers, they are just shit, extra dry bourbons and you will feel even more gluttonous, hollow, and pathetic after eating a whole pack of those in one sitting than you would with the bourbons. And bourbons are cheaper, anyway. And you get more in a pack.
Oh, and if yr interested, the salady bits are:
Grated carrot
Diced tomatoes
Diced green pepper
Sliced avodaco
Generic cheapo dressing
*Yeah, that's right, I used 'oven' as a verb. Go shit yrself, dicksplash.
beetroot burgers,
cautionary tale,
post punk kitchen,
quarter pounder,
the ppk,
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Stuff w/ salad
So Monday was another fucking Monday with the crushing realisation that every day this week will be another Monday. When I finally got home after an abortive trip to the library (I'd forgotten my card, their system was down so they couldn't find me details) I wanted something very simple to put in my face, to fill the void where my screams echo through my stupid body. Shut up, insides! I am going to numb you with STUFF! Go away!
Normally on a day like this I would make the most garlic bread you have ever SEEN and keep eating til breathing is virtually impossible. Unfortunately I had no bread (or even flour) or margarine. So I actually had to make something.
A while ago I was feeling a bit optimistic and ordered all this organic veg from a local scheme. It's mostly sitting in one of those flimsy sort-of-wooden crates on the kitchen table mocking me. "Hey, Ray you fuck-knuckle!" It taunts "thought could keep yr shit together long enough to make something nutritious and delicious with this shit, didja." I want to leave the room, but I know the burning embarrassment I will feel when I have to surreptitiously re-enter the kitchen later, that I won't be able to make it to the cupboard to sneak out a tin of something, anything (I think there are some jelly beans in there) to eat without that fucking flimsy sort-of-wooden crate noticing and calling me out once more. "Oh, it's you again, dicktard! Back with your tail between you legs, are you? You BADGER TWAT!" as I feel the tiny little fires under my skin and the lump in my throat I get when I am so mortally flustered.
I had no choice. I called that motherfucking flimsy sort-of-wooden crate out on its shit! FUCK YOU, flimsy sort-of-wooden crate! I am calling you on your shit! I will fuck up your contents REAL FUCKING BAD.
So on Monday 3rd December 2012, when it was maybe just above freezing point in Birmingham, in my cold flat with woefully inefficient heating, I decided to make a salad.
I chopped up some kale, (not curly kale, other kale, it;s nice) and sliced up half an avocado, sliced up a tomato, considered onion but just could quite push myself that far, then I tossed it with some ancient dressing I found in the fridge.
But even I thought to myself that salad on a fucking freezing Monday is no good at all. That is in no way a substitute for half a ton of garlic bread. SO I pocked about in the freezer and found some sad looking very-much-leftover Asda's own oven chips. Straight in the oven with those bastards. I also found some posh fake chicken that I had completely forgotten I'd bought on pay day.
In absolute desperation I searched for absolutely anything to go with it. I found something. Sort of. I threw some soya milk in a pan, added salt & pepper, then threw in a large handful of yeast flakes. Yeast flakes make everything better. I tried to cook it down in to a sauce, but I didn't have (or at least didn't have the inclination to search for and hence discover that I didn't have) anything to thicken it up with, just a little cornflour would have saved me at that point. If I had some mustard to put in there too, I reckon I'd have had a pretty decent oh-my-god-I-just-need-food-fuck-off-world sauce. But I didn't, so I didn't.
I threw the fake chicken in the pan, wit til it was cooked through and spooned a runny-as-fuck savoury chicken something sauce on to my plate, with the I-DARE-YOU salad and some sad Asda oven chips. I ate it, it was never going to win any prizes, but I didn't vom one bit.
Here's what it looked like:
Now either bring me all the garlic bread or leave me alone.
So Monday was another fucking Monday with the crushing realisation that every day this week will be another Monday. When I finally got home after an abortive trip to the library (I'd forgotten my card, their system was down so they couldn't find me details) I wanted something very simple to put in my face, to fill the void where my screams echo through my stupid body. Shut up, insides! I am going to numb you with STUFF! Go away!
Normally on a day like this I would make the most garlic bread you have ever SEEN and keep eating til breathing is virtually impossible. Unfortunately I had no bread (or even flour) or margarine. So I actually had to make something.
A while ago I was feeling a bit optimistic and ordered all this organic veg from a local scheme. It's mostly sitting in one of those flimsy sort-of-wooden crates on the kitchen table mocking me. "Hey, Ray you fuck-knuckle!" It taunts "thought could keep yr shit together long enough to make something nutritious and delicious with this shit, didja." I want to leave the room, but I know the burning embarrassment I will feel when I have to surreptitiously re-enter the kitchen later, that I won't be able to make it to the cupboard to sneak out a tin of something, anything (I think there are some jelly beans in there) to eat without that fucking flimsy sort-of-wooden crate noticing and calling me out once more. "Oh, it's you again, dicktard! Back with your tail between you legs, are you? You BADGER TWAT!" as I feel the tiny little fires under my skin and the lump in my throat I get when I am so mortally flustered.
I had no choice. I called that motherfucking flimsy sort-of-wooden crate out on its shit! FUCK YOU, flimsy sort-of-wooden crate! I am calling you on your shit! I will fuck up your contents REAL FUCKING BAD.
So on Monday 3rd December 2012, when it was maybe just above freezing point in Birmingham, in my cold flat with woefully inefficient heating, I decided to make a salad.
I chopped up some kale, (not curly kale, other kale, it;s nice) and sliced up half an avocado, sliced up a tomato, considered onion but just could quite push myself that far, then I tossed it with some ancient dressing I found in the fridge.
But even I thought to myself that salad on a fucking freezing Monday is no good at all. That is in no way a substitute for half a ton of garlic bread. SO I pocked about in the freezer and found some sad looking very-much-leftover Asda's own oven chips. Straight in the oven with those bastards. I also found some posh fake chicken that I had completely forgotten I'd bought on pay day.
In absolute desperation I searched for absolutely anything to go with it. I found something. Sort of. I threw some soya milk in a pan, added salt & pepper, then threw in a large handful of yeast flakes. Yeast flakes make everything better. I tried to cook it down in to a sauce, but I didn't have (or at least didn't have the inclination to search for and hence discover that I didn't have) anything to thicken it up with, just a little cornflour would have saved me at that point. If I had some mustard to put in there too, I reckon I'd have had a pretty decent oh-my-god-I-just-need-food-fuck-off-world sauce. But I didn't, so I didn't.
I threw the fake chicken in the pan, wit til it was cooked through and spooned a runny-as-fuck savoury chicken something sauce on to my plate, with the I-DARE-YOU salad and some sad Asda oven chips. I ate it, it was never going to win any prizes, but I didn't vom one bit.
Here's what it looked like:
Now either bring me all the garlic bread or leave me alone.
yeast flakes
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Beans and stuff.
So, I completely fucked up my finances this month. Mostly because I booked a trip to Madrid for Xmas. So yeah, it is entirely my fault but for some reason I didn't figure I would be quite this broke. Pay day is still 11 days away.
If it weren't for the fact that I haven't posted in AGES I wouldn't even entertain the idea of making this public. It's suspiciously similar to the chilli post, hence pretty much soul-destroying. The major difference is that I was expecting this to be rubbish but it is GODDAMNED tasty.
I actually made a couple of decent meals over the weekend. I forgot to take a photo of one (Sweet & sour mock duck) and seem to have lost the photo of the other (baked tofu w/ sweet potato wedges, asparagus & salsa) so yeah, tits to that.
I was looking through my cupboard last night after getting home from a loooooong Monday, and there wasn't much in there that I thought I could turn in to anything exciting. So I resigned my self to brown rice with *something*. A tin of black beans got chosen for no real reason, I picked out some tomato puree and figured we were heading in the chilli direction again. I went to the fridge to get an onion and Lo! for there was still some salsa that needed using.
So yeah, I sautéed the onion, threw in a chopped green pepper, a chopped chilli & some tomato purée. I added a little bit of water & simmered, then threw in the salsa. It looked like this:
So I guess you wanna know what was in the salsa? You won't be surprised to learn I wasn't really paying attention when I made it, but it was something along these lines:
1x onion
1x green pepper
1x red chilli
2x medium tomatoes
Some fresh coriander
Bit of salt
Fresh black pepper
Slug of rice wine vinegar (I didn't have any lime or anything)
Yup. Just chop shit up and yr done! I stuck mine in a jug and gave it a couple of seconds with the hand blender. I probably put a little bit of water in too. This salsa was pretty tasty, but not very hot. Obviously you need to beware of how hot yr chillies are, and remember, you can put more in, but you can't take it out.
So this is what it all looked like at work today:
It looks really rubbish, but I PROMISE you it is was so super-tasty!
I realise this post is devoid of usual incisive humour and elegant profanity. I am not some sort of perfoming monkey, shitbag, deal with it.
(Seriously though, I'll try to be more usual, pricktard self for the next post, k?)
blackeye beans,
Friday, 26 October 2012
Even I am Embarrassed by This One
Looks shit, dunnit? It tasted alright though. If you can;t tell, this is a bowl of chilli with corn bread muffins. It actually tasted pretty good (and didn't look so bad in the flesh) but I was too hungry at the time to give a shit about how badly this photo might turn out.
I feel stupid typing up how to make a chilli, but I have been so rubbish at updating this week that I will force myself to do this as punishment.
What's in it?
1x tin Back eye beans
1x tin Cannellini beans
1x tin Chopped tomatoes
150g Mushrooms
1x Llarge-ish onion
2x Large cloves garlic
1x Green Pepper
1x tsp Chilli Powder (more is okay, but if yr sharing w/ other don't be a dick)
1x tsp Oregano
1x hella buttload Cumin
1x tblsp tomato puree (optional)
Some stock ( I used Vecon)
Black Pepper
I would also have maybe put in sweet potato if I had some. And peas cos peas are rad.
How to
I feel stupid typing up how to make a chilli, but I have been so rubbish at updating this week that I will force myself to do this as punishment.
-Oil/pan heat - use a big pan, the pan is never too big, okay?
- Add chopped onion & crushed garlic, stir til onion is translucent
- Add chopped tomatoes & stock (I just put the stock straight in and add extra water as/when needed), and powdered things.
-Simmer this for as long as you can be arsed, put in some tomato puree if you think you need it
- Add beans & mushrooms for a few mins, then pepper a few mins before yr ready to eat.
Corn Bread
150g Corn meal
1/2-1 tsp Baking powder
I dunno how much water, enough to make it kinda batter-y, yeah?
- Put yr oven on about 200C, grease a muffin tray
- Make a batter with corn meal, water, seasoning . you can put pretty much anything you like in there. If you add some kinda fat it will probably be tastier.
- Stir baking powder in at the last minute.
- cook til they're done, maybe 15, 20 mins?
Put all the stuff on some kinda bowl so shit doesn't go all over the fucking floor, then sit down and eat it all with your face.
I made enough chilli to feed about 3 household, I made enough corn bread for about 3 people. Chilli freezes, and even if you can't be arsed to freeze it stays goof for 3 days or so.
I am gonna eat some left over chilli pretty much right now, but not with cornbread, oh no, I am gonna eat chilli with rice & peas. Get the fuck in.
Hopefully the recipe next time will something funner/tastier/less fucking obvious. We shall see.
(The photo will be just as shit though, obviously)
And this is what it looked like w/ rice for lunch today
bean chilli,
corn bread,
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Disappointment in a box.
So today I forgot my god damned packed lunch. It was nothing terribly exciting, but it would have been tastier, cheaper, and no doubt more nutritious than the above box of shat.
Cranks are supposedly an institution in vegetarian food because they opened a restaurant on Carnaby Street back in 1961. Someone should tell 'em that 50 years later they need to book their ideas up.
I have 30 mins for my lunch break (another reason I bring my own) and Holland & Bastard is 5 minutes away so I dived in there today to see what I could find. I decided a sandwich might be better than a pasty or sos roll so looked closely at the shelves with the Cranks stuff on. From looking at the whole range on their website there appear to be a whopping TWO options for vegans (three if you count the same filling in different bread). So, even being generous to Cranks that's 3/22, less than 15%. Depending whose stats you believe (there are too many for me to be arsed to link) yr looking at a good 10% of the veggie population of the UK who are vegan. Add to this that vegan sandwiches are suitable for vegetarians, mix in a dollop of "FOR FUCKS SAKE, HUMOUS & SALAD OR HUMOUS & SALAD?" and you've got a slightly depressing lunch which leaves you thinking "If it weren't for that £2.50 H&B rewards voucher I'd've just got a bean salad from Sainsbury's."Seriously guys, it's 2012, you're specialist vegetarian food producers and you think humous, lettuce & carrot vs humous, chickpea, and pepper is a world of options?
As it happens, the H&B I was in didn't even stock both of the vegan sandwiches (I wonder why? Why should they use shelf space for two almost identical sandwiches? The mind boggles), so I had the one up there. Humous, lettuce, carrot & coriander. And you know what? It tasty pretty much EXACTLY like every other sorry, pre-made humous/salad sandwich I have had to settle for in the past. But with a bit of coriander.I'm not just annoyed with Cranks cos they make a disappointing sandwich with a crap selection for vegans. Why should I be? That describes pretty much any other food producer you're likely to come across in the UK (in chain stores, at least) and they obviously wanna be in with the in-crowd and down with the kids, yo. They probably even pretended to like that Mumford and Sons* record because they didn't want to be the ones standing out saying "but.. but.. this is terrible, lowest-common denominator pseudo-zany, patronising, 'look at me, I'm cultured I've got a flat cap,' in-touch-with-something fucking gash" and then have the beautiful people mock them for not "getting it."
Why should they make a sandwich I wanna buy? Hardly anyone else does. No, I am also annoyed with them because of the awful patronising "we're so bloody lovely we are, look at the fucking nonsense written on the packaging" thing they've got going on which may have started with Innocent but has gotten way out of control these days. Not to mention lots of use of works like PROPER, and REAL to show you that their food ain't full o' none of that GUNK you get from them others, OH NO! Unless you read past them telling you how fucking great they are and notice that the "fresh" sandwich has a shelf life of at least three days, and that the "proper" bread features such "real" ingredients as Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids. Who doesn't remember those days? Yr grandad would come back from t' pit whistling a faux-Irish tune that's been cleansed for the ears of dullard students and jaded musos alike, yr granny would place a plate on the table saying to him "go clean up first, then you can have some scran" and your pops would come back in a few minutes later, drying his hands on a towel which was more holes than cloth. And his eyes would light up, his mouth moisten as his famished stomach came to realise that his beloved wife had prepared for him a nice steaming plate of Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mon- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids. And it's because of this fond memory of being just a nipper that to this day you, yourself never let your store cupboard run dry of Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mon- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, because when the people you care about need some good, honest, REAL, PROPER food, you want to be sure to give them Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mon- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids.
I'm not pulling rank on anyone with this, I'm not saying no one should eat things that sound like they might be ingredients in that weird blue plastic that's only ever used for carrier bags in off licences, I'm not saying I don't eat space-age shit. I'm just saying don't piss in my pocket and tell me it's raining, okay?
On the upside I also got a Trek Cocoa Brownie bar and these things are AWESOME. It's not even my favourite bar they make, I ration that one so I don;t get too used to it cos I am paranoid that it's awesomeness might wear thin. No really, that's how my brain works. I'm not even gonna tell you which one is my favourite.
*It's a few weeks later (20/11/12) and I just read this article. Seems I'm not alone.
cocoa brownie,
holland and bastard,
houmungously crunchy,
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Moroccany Thing
So part of this is based on something I saw a guy cook in Chefchaouen a couple of years ago. I seem to remember he served it with a fried egg. I could have tried to mock-up a fried egg but eggs suck so screw that. Instead of rice you could maybe serve this with fruity cous cous, but I didn't have any cous cous. Some raisins and maybe some toasted almonds sound pretty good.Looks okay? Right?
200g firm tofu (frozen & defrosted)
200g green beans
1 medium onion
2 dozen or more cherry tomatoes
1 Tbl spoon (more if you like) of ketchup
Some soya sauce
Some oregano
More cumin seeds than you might think
Oil (pref olive, obviously)
This serves two. Or if you are a pathetic loner like myself you can have some for lunch the next day.
So one you've defrosted yr tofu and got as much liquid out as possible, you will want to cut it into a suitable shape. The stuff I buy comes in 200g blocks so I just sliced it in half. The shape isn't really important. though if you do it steak/cutlet style like I did, you will want to score the tofu to get the marinade right in there.
For the marinade I used the arse-end of some ketchup, poured in some soya sauce, oregano & black pepper. Then I shook it up to mix all the ingredients. The longer you leave it the more flavour you will get in to the tofu, if you can do this the night before all the better. I gave it maybe 20-30 mins and it was alright.
Then you can just bung it in the oven somewhere around 200-220C. You could grill if you prefer, you can probably dry fry too. The sugar in the marinade with crisp up a little without having to use oil.
You can probably put the rice on now too. I'm not telling you how to cook fucking rice. Read the packet if you must.
Okay. So heat yr frying pan and put in more cumin seeds than you would thin necessary. Then add a little cumin. Then put in some oil, when that's heated up put in yours sliced onion (dice if you must, but I think sliced works best). When the onions start to be come translucent turn the heat down a bit and put in all the halved cherry tomatoes.
Let all that cook down so the tomatoes barely have any shape, then put your beans in there. I used the same ones that were left over from the other day which I had to freeze. If you have frozen ones you can just put them in some warm water for a few minutes to defrost them. If not, then just top & tail 'em and throw 'em in.
Add a bunch of black pepper, some salt, chilli if you're feeling frisky (or, you could forgo the chilli here and maybe put some in the marinade instead? Yeah, go one, try that you bleedin' mental).
Then way to tell if everything is done is that it looks done. The rice looks like cooked rice, the tofu looks tasty, and the beans/tomatoes concoction looks pretty awesome too.
Serve, eat, and forget about the typically fucking awful day you just had at work. Maybe read a comic.
cherry tomatoes,
fucking easy,
green beans,
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Sweet Potato Cottage Pie thingy
Okay, so it doesn't look great, but you need to get over that. I have a crappy phone, the pie looked better in person, but not super-great.
This is dead simple to make, the ingredients aren't too crazy. No one's reinventing the wheel, but yesterday was Monday, then after work I had college, so if you want something that's pretty tasty but you can be arsed to make at 9pm then this might just be for you.
Two things: this has no added fat. I'm a big fat fuck and I'd like to change that. I really don't think this would have benefited from any added fat, so that's nice. Secondly, my flatmate's fella was round last night, I offered him some, he ate it and afterwards said "You know, I reckon I could be veggie."
I'm just sayin'.
3x small sweet potatoes - peeled, chopped
Some (couple o' big handfulls?) TVP/soya mince (the dried shit cos I'm cheap)
1x big handful frozen peas
1x red pepper
1x medium onion
2x big cloves garlic
1x tsp yeast extract/stock ( I used Vecon which you can get in hippie stores inc. H&B)
1x tsp cumin powder
black pepper
These quantities are based on whatever the hell size dish that is up there. You should be able to figure out if you need more/less. I mean, you have some kinda spatial awareness, right?
Boil salted water & chuck the sweet potatoes in.
In a another saucepan put yeast extract in water & simmer, add chopped onion, crushed garlic & cumin.
Add your TVP & simmer til it stops looking like sawdust and starts looking a bit like tasty fake meat.
Chuck in yr peas at the end.
Add the mix to the oven dish.
Take sweet potatoes of the boil, removes excess water, mash & add black pepper.
Put the mash on top of the fake mix & stick the lot in the oven.
You don't have to put it in the oven, I think I do that more out of habit (at about 200.c). As there's not extra fat in the topping it won't get the crisp golden layer. If yr mad for it you could brush some oil or melted marge over the top and that should do the trick.
After that you might wanna let it sit for a while cos this shit'll burn your face off.
You may have noticed we didn't do anything with the red pepper. this is because I meant to dice it and throw it in just before putting the pie in the oven, but I forgot. So in the end I sat around eating diced red pepper while waiting for the pie to finish. It was actually pretty okay as a starter and counts as two portions of fruit/veg. So go me!
I also meant to serve some green beans with this but I forgot. I have plans for those babies anyway, so it's not all bad.
A note on stock: I used Vecon cos I think it's pretty good. You could use Marmite or any supermarket knock-off, or even gravy granules (loads are vegan, including a couple of the Bisto ones - check the label).
cottage pie,
sheperd's pie,
soya mince,
sweet potato,
veggie mince,
Friday, 28 September 2012
Jennifer said I should make a food blog. I said that there are way too many already. She said that while there are plenty, they are "often too long-winded w/ professional photos. I want a dodgy phone pic & instructions to "bake that shit!"
So blame her.
See this?
Yeah, I know it's too cold for salad, but I've been craving one for a while so when the sun came out briefly yesterday and the mercury rose to a scorching 14.C I took my chance.
Salad has to be the easiest thing in the world to get right, but is all too often done plain WRONG. So far as I'm concerned there are no rules to salad, except maybe:
Lettuce + cucumber + tomato ≠ salad.
So, in this instance the salad was:
2 x small sweet potato
2 x small-ish yellow courgette
1 x red pepper
1 x green pepper
1 x small onion
Some brocolli
Couple o' hand fulls of bean sprouts
Simple, right?
It also made a shitload so I stuck half in a tub for my lunch today. And seriously, that tub is FULL. If you don't wanna massive salad for two, steer clear of these portions.
So, peel, quarter (length ways) the sweet potato then cut that in to 1-2cm chunks and put in boiling water for a li'l while.
Peel & slice the onion, place in warm, salted water. This'll make the onion a little less mean so you won't kill any innocent doggies/kitties/hotties you may find yourself chatting to later in the evening.
Broccoli, peppers & courgette get cut up however you damn well like.
When the sweet potato is soft, remove it from the water , rinse under cold tap, then let sit in cold water for a while (unless you want it warm, which you might).
Put all the ingredients in some kinda bowl, mix it all up, add dressing (I used this one from Asda).
I also had a nut cutlet from Sainsbury's for protein and a bit of something warm. You could just as easily toast a bunch of seeds (add soya/tamari sauce if you like) or nuts or whatever, but I didn't have any seeds or nuts lying around.
So there we go, first entry done. If this shit continues, remember: Blame Jennifer.
So blame her.
See this?
Yeah, I know it's too cold for salad, but I've been craving one for a while so when the sun came out briefly yesterday and the mercury rose to a scorching 14.C I took my chance.
Salad has to be the easiest thing in the world to get right, but is all too often done plain WRONG. So far as I'm concerned there are no rules to salad, except maybe:
Lettuce + cucumber + tomato ≠ salad.
So, in this instance the salad was:
2 x small sweet potato
2 x small-ish yellow courgette
1 x red pepper
1 x green pepper
1 x small onion
Some brocolli
Couple o' hand fulls of bean sprouts
Simple, right?
It also made a shitload so I stuck half in a tub for my lunch today. And seriously, that tub is FULL. If you don't wanna massive salad for two, steer clear of these portions.
So, peel, quarter (length ways) the sweet potato then cut that in to 1-2cm chunks and put in boiling water for a li'l while.
Peel & slice the onion, place in warm, salted water. This'll make the onion a little less mean so you won't kill any innocent doggies/kitties/hotties you may find yourself chatting to later in the evening.
Broccoli, peppers & courgette get cut up however you damn well like.
When the sweet potato is soft, remove it from the water , rinse under cold tap, then let sit in cold water for a while (unless you want it warm, which you might).
Put all the ingredients in some kinda bowl, mix it all up, add dressing (I used this one from Asda).
I also had a nut cutlet from Sainsbury's for protein and a bit of something warm. You could just as easily toast a bunch of seeds (add soya/tamari sauce if you like) or nuts or whatever, but I didn't have any seeds or nuts lying around.
So there we go, first entry done. If this shit continues, remember: Blame Jennifer.
bean sprouts,
simple salad,
sweet potato,
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