Thursday, 6 December 2012

Beetroot Burgers

So, I have been eyeing up this recipe on the Post Punk Kitchen for what seems like forever. Beetroot is something I am always kinda confused by, I just don't know what to do with it so it either gets thrown in a stew or grated into a salad and that's about it.

I wound up with some beetroot, I had some brown rice, so I was all "yeah, fuck'n DO IT!" But, being the feckless wonder that I am, I didn't print off the recipe, and didn't bother fannying about on my not-very-smart phone. I guess I went commando on that shit.

And guess what? I forgot half the ingredients and fucked it all up. So take this for what it is, a cautionary tale. The result was edible, but just LOOK at how awesome that recipe looks. Follow the actual recipe, knobhead.

It looked alright, though:

I'm not even going to tell you what I actually put in the burgers because a) you'll know exactly how badly I fucked up, and b) You might for some idiot reason attempt to recreate my recipe and that would be [i]bad[/i], okay? Just follow the original.

Even though it's winter I had my burgers with salad (as you can see). this is partly because I am super lazy and couldn't be bothered to oven* anything after I'd sort-of concentrated on screwing up this recipe, and partly because I had already inhaled an entire packet of Choccie Dodgers when I got in from work. Incidentally, don't buy Choccie Dodgers, they are just shit, extra dry bourbons and you will feel even more gluttonous, hollow, and pathetic after eating a whole pack of those in one sitting than you would with the bourbons. And bourbons are cheaper, anyway. And you get more in a pack.

Oh, and if yr interested, the salady bits are:

Grated carrot
Diced tomatoes
Diced green pepper
Sliced avodaco
Generic cheapo dressing

*Yeah, that's right, I used 'oven' as a verb. Go shit yrself, dicksplash.

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