Friday, 26 October 2012

Even I am Embarrassed by This One

Looks shit, dunnit? It tasted alright though. If you can;t tell, this is a bowl of chilli with corn bread muffins. It actually tasted pretty good (and didn't look so bad in the flesh) but I was too hungry at the time to give a shit about how badly this photo might turn out.

I feel stupid typing up how to make a chilli, but I have been so rubbish at updating this week that I will force myself to do this as punishment.

What's in it?

1x tin Back eye beans
1x tin Cannellini beans
1x tin Chopped tomatoes
150g Mushrooms
1x Llarge-ish onion
2x Large cloves garlic
1x Green Pepper
1x tsp Chilli Powder (more is okay, but if yr sharing w/ other don't be a dick)
1x tsp Oregano
1x hella buttload Cumin
1x tblsp tomato puree (optional)
Some stock ( I used Vecon)
Black Pepper

I would also have maybe put in sweet potato if I had some. And peas cos peas are rad.

How to
I feel stupid typing up how to make a chilli, but I have been so rubbish at updating this week that I will force myself to do this as punishment.

-Oil/pan heat - use a big pan, the pan is never too big, okay?

- Add chopped onion & crushed garlic, stir til onion is translucent

- Add chopped tomatoes & stock (I just put the stock straight in and add extra water as/when needed), and powdered things.

-Simmer this for as long as you can be arsed, put in some tomato puree if you think you need it

- Add beans & mushrooms for a few mins, then pepper a few mins before yr ready to eat.

Corn Bread
150g Corn meal
1/2-1 tsp Baking powder
I dunno how much water, enough to make it kinda batter-y, yeah?

- Put yr oven on about 200C, grease a muffin tray

- Make a batter with corn meal, water, seasoning . you can put pretty much anything you like in there. If you add some kinda fat it will probably be tastier.

- Stir baking powder in at the last minute.

- cook til they're done, maybe 15, 20 mins?

Put all the stuff on some kinda bowl so shit doesn't go all over the fucking floor, then sit down and eat it all with your face.

I made enough chilli to feed about 3 household, I made enough corn bread for about 3 people. Chilli freezes, and even if you can't be arsed to freeze it stays goof for 3 days or so.

I am gonna eat some left over chilli pretty much right now, but not with cornbread, oh no, I am gonna eat chilli with rice & peas. Get the fuck in.

Hopefully the recipe next time will something funner/tastier/less fucking obvious. We shall see.
(The photo will be just as shit though, obviously)

And this is what it looked like w/ rice for lunch today

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